Saturday, March 29, 2014

Media Log 8

Home Is Where Family Is

            (3) The first scene of the commercial begins with a man at the airport arrival terminal catching a cab, the camera then switches to the man, now inside the cab, conversing on his cell phone saying, “Hun, on the way na ako!”, a conversation then develops between the taxi driver and his passenger. During the conversation, it is revealed that the man has just come home from a two year stay in Qatar, implying that he is an Oversees Filipino Worker (OFW). The taxi driver then proceeds to relate to him by stating that the man must have missed the Philippines, and that his son too was an OFW. After they arrived at the destination, which was Jollibee, the passenger invited the taxi driver to join his family as a gesture of “kapamilya”.
(1) The advertisement was commissioned by Philippine fast food giant, Jollibee, as a commercial in time for the holiday season. (2) The theme of the commercial notably aims to sympathize with Filipinos who have family members working abroad as OFWs. I believe that it targets both lowers and middle class families alike due to the choice of characters such as the taxi driver and the decently dressed man.

(4) Though the advertisement initially delivers the impression of the importance of family, I believe that the true unstated meaning of the commercial is that by eating in Jollibee, one can achieve closeness to family. (5) The commercial emphasizes the importance of spending time with family, and also the value of hospitality, even to those we do not know.

(6) The rhetorical appeal of pathos and the logical fallacy of argumentum ad passions or simply the appeal to emotion is clearly utilized in the advertisement. Jollibee tries to manipulate the emotions of the masses by creating a situation that is easy for them to sympathize to. (8) Evidently, it empowers those who have family members as OFWs, this serves Jollibee as a tool of sympathy and empathy to those who view it. It gives them the image of understanding the Filipino life and needs.

(7) The advertisement reminds us of the sacrifice of those who have to work abroad as OFWs and the family they leave behind. On a brighter light, it shows how we as Filipinos put great importance in family, may it be through the need to do anything to provide for them or the longing for each other’s presence. It also shows how hospitable we Filipinos can be towards others, may it be family or not.

(9) After receiving positive feedback on the advertisement, Jollibee proceeded to commission another commercial with the same theme. In this advertisement, the focus is on another taxi driver, whose daughter is also an OFW. The same theme is utilized in this ad, attempting to once again reach out to the Filipino masses, by furthering this motion by providing stations where one can video chat with their family members around the globe. This advertisement was aired on tv and was also posted on internet pages such as YouTube and Faceboook.

(10) Although I personally do not consume fast food, this commercial gave me a better impression of the Philippine fast food giant. Though I do not have family members working abroad, I do have friends who do, and this ad helped me understand their situation more.

Media Log 7

USA: United Selfie of America

            (3) The article depicts an image of United States President Barrack Obama participating in the act known as a “selfie”, along with other national leaders such as Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt and British Prime Minister David Cameron. (1) The article was written by Leslie Larson for New York news company, Daily News, as a slander against US President Barrack Obama’s actions during the funeral of late and former South African President, Nelson Mandela.
            (2) Though initially perceived to be an article directed at international audiences due to the presence of the leaders of different nations, but with further analysis, I believe that the articles was targeting the American people: Democrats, Republicans, and the indifferent alike, due to the focus on the actions of their President. (4) After further examination, I believe that the true intention of the author is to slander the name of US President Barrack Obama by criticizing his actions.

            (5) In the image, President Barrack Obama is seen participating in a selfie, an act that is a part of this generation’s culture. This has been popularized due to social networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, and much more. With that being said, I believe that this piece of media promotes the lifestyle of today’s social networking culture.

            (6) The author utilizes the emotional aspect of pathos by making the reader feel disappointed or angry at the inappropriateness of the action due to the event it happened in. I believe that the author utilizes Ad Hominem in a way that the attack on the inappropriateness of President Obama is more of an attack on Democrats in general.
            (7) In the image, the negative message it tries to convey is the inappropriate and childish actions our world leaders performed during a sombre occasion. At the same time, the image shows a positive message, one that tells us that even the leaders of these great nations are human beings, they partake in cultural practices, and they make mistakes as well.

            (8) For me, the articles are used in a way to disempower the people of America who placed their faith in Barrack Obama, a democratic president. Simultaneously, giving confidence and empowering the opposing party, the Republican Party. Perhaps the author of the article is against the ideals of President Obama, or perhaps she just wishes to inform people of the inappropriate actions of the US President.

            (9) The picture has in fact gone viral on the internet, mostly due to the stern and peeved facial expression of Michelle Obama, the first-lady of the United States. Much of these pictures and comments revolve around the impression that the first-lady is jealous. The photographer of the photo spoke out recently though rejecting this theory, stating:

“The atmosphere was totally relaxed – I didn’t see anything shocking in my viewfinder, president of the US or not” he said. “At the time, I thought the world leaders were simply acting like human beings, like me and you.”

“I doubt anyone could have remained totally stony faced for the duration of the ceremony, while tens of thousands of people were celebrating in the stadium. For me, the behaviour of these leaders in snapping a selfie seems perfectly natural.”

            (10) Though I believe that the actions done by US President Barrack Obama were inappropriate for the event, I also believe that it is not something to make a big deal out of. In fact, I believe that his actions may have even possibly increased the relationship between the United States, Denmark, and England.

Media Log 5

                                           Blasphemous Ice Cream

(3) Depicted in the controversial series of advertisements commissioned by Antonio Federici, a pregnant nun is seen holding the gelato company’s ice cream product with the phrase “Immaculately Conceived” printed alongside the frame. In another photo belonging to the same series of ice cream product, two male priests – one Caucasian, the other black – are depicted to be yet again holding the company’s product while they look intently at one another with a sexually suggestive undertone. In this photo, the phrase “We Believe in Salivation” is scrolled across the advertisement making a play on the word ‘salvation’. On these two photos, the company logo is seen at the bottom.
(1) The advertisement was commissioned by Antonio Federici, an Italian gelato company first founded in 1986, with the purpose of promoting their gelato products. (2) I believe that the target audience of the advertisement is the general public due to the fact that it is promoting something as simple as ice cream. In a more specific scale, they are targeting those who like ice cream or those who have a fondness for sweets.
(4) The advertisement brings with it a very shock advertising-like nature, discarding any sense of subtlety. Though possibly unintentional, the company’s advertisement comes off as very offensive – even blasphemous – to Christians. (5) This advertisement promotes a lifestyle that primarily indulges in the physical pleasures of life, such as satisfying ones appetite in food ( and as suggested by the advertisement, sex).
(6) The prevalent logical fallacies within the advertisement is the utilization of Transfer and Misleading Analogy or Faulty Comparison, this is seen by using the Christian faith to represent “giving in to temptation”. While the rhetorical appeal being used here is pathos, this is seen by the utilization of emotions such as lust for physical pleasures.
(7) As stated earlier, the primary message that this advertisement delivers is a negative one, one that disrespects an entire religion with tones that have been perceived as blasphemous. It also promotes physical gratification despite the morality in doing so. (8) In my opinion, the advertisement fails to empower and specific group of people, but succeeds in disempowering Christians by utilizing their religion’s faith in such a disrespectful manner.
(9) Surprisingly, this series of advertisements was not Antonio Federici’s first string of advertisements to receive flak from the media and religious groups. The Italian gelato company has had a previous series of advertisements that had also carried a blasphemous theme, this time four photo advertisements that depict a Christian priest and nun engaging in sexual acts with the phrase “Submit to Temptation” written across the ads. More pictures and articles regarding this controversy can be found all over the internet.
(10) I believe that even those who are not Christian can see the disrespectful nature of the advertisement. I also find it ironic that the company, an Italian company, a country with a substantial amount of Christians would develop such an advertisement in order to sell their product. Not only as a Christian, but as a person who respects something as sensitive as religion, I would not buy their ice cream.  

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Media Log 4

Confessions of a Consumer
(3) The trailer begins with a young girl, later revealed to be the main protagonist of the film, Rebecca Bloomwood, glancing over a window display of a designer shoe store with the narration of the girl’s feelings towards shoes, clothes and the like. Having a fascination with fashion and shopping at a young age, this has carried on into adulthood. The movie then shows a series of events on her adventured and misadventures of a shopaholic.

(1) The message of the trailer was made by Sophia Kinsella, the writer of the Shopaholic series of novels. The trailer was created and paid by Jerry Bruckheimer, the producer of the film adaption of the novel, Confessions of a Shopaholic.

(2) I believe that the film’s trailer targets and caters to shopaholics, specifically females of the middle class and higher who have an interest in fashion/clothes. This is suggested by many things, such as the main character who is a female who embodies this very description.

 (4) I believe that the underlying message of this trailer and the movie itself, depicts todays consumerist culture and tackles it through the story of Rebecca Bloomwood, a shopping addict.           (5) As stated above, this film adaption embodies the consumer lifestyle where in one indulges in the purchasing of material goods to the point of possible addiction.

(6) The trailer utilizes the logical fallacy of testimonials in the form of famous designers and designer brands, such as Gucci, and Valentino amongst many others. It also utilizes the emotional aspect of the rhetorical appeal of pathos by making you empathize with the main protagonist.

(7) Though the trailer initially emphasizes on the negative aspect of the protagonist’s heavy consumerist lifestyle, it slowly transitions into the more positive side of consumerism such as saving and charity. This is seen in the latter half of the film/trailer when the protagonist joins a “Saving Magazine”.

(8) When thinking about which group of people are empowered through this message, you would initially believe that the main benefactor would be those who save and spend their money wisely. Though this is true, I also believe that this actually empowers ‘shopaholics’ as well by giving them a sense of hope for possible change. (9) The message is incomplete due to the fact that the sample media I reviewed was just a trailer. For more information, it would be better to view the actual movie, or better yet, read the series of novels.

(10) Though the initial intention of the film-adaptation’s trailer is to convince viewers to watch the movie, Confessions of a Shopaholic, after further analysis from a “media literate” consumer’s point of view, I was able to delve into a deeper understanding and from here; I was able to appreciate the message of the movie more. There is more to life than material possessions.